Links for November 14, 2021

πŸ”— Computers that Can Make Commitments β€” Chris Dixon

One of the challenges of talking about blockchains (the underlying technology that enables Bitcoin, for example), is that conversations about it often devolve into explaining the underlying protocols.

Chris Dixon has a great article explaining that the value of a blockchain is simply that it allows computers to make commitments:

Traditional computers are ultimately controlled by people, either directly in the case of personal computers or indirectly through organizations. Blockchains invert this power relationship, putting the code in charge.

If you're not yet familiar with blockchains, I also highly recommend Seth Godin's piece on why blockchains matter, which is an accessible, non-technical introduction.

πŸ“² Hello? This Is Colombia’s Antimachismo Hotline. β€” NY Times

A new hotline in BogotΓ‘ takes calls from men struggling with jealousy, control and fear β€” and challenges long-held assumptions about masculinity.

🐦️ A Feel-Good Tweet


Reflections on leading a meaningful, impactful life.